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This has been clear to me since I became a mother. I am the mother of four wonderful children who are also  mind readers: Guy, Daniel, Ben and Amit. All our children are mind readers. I learn this every single day in my work with parents.
I am somehow always surprised to discover this in my work as a lecturer and facilitator of teacher training workshops as well.
Children can sense when the significant adults in their lives are proud of them, pleased with them, disappointed in them or feel frustrated. They see straight into our hearts.


This is the basis of my professional credo:

the tremendous power of an adult with authority in the child’s world.


Children are Mind Readers.

All an adult needs is one child to believe in them

When we adults are in the right place, we have the power to help children achieve exciting breakthroughs. I work mainly with adults, and through them bring about a change in the lives of the children – at record speed. I offer parents training sessions, counseling, coaching and case management either individually at the clinic or in parent groups, and through lectures. For educators, I offer lectures and workshops.
Professional experience

Founder and head of the Parents Department at Nitzan, the Israeli association for learning disabilities and ADHD
Founder of the Special Education Department of the Ganei Tikva Local Council, leading educational initiatives and chairing the Statutory Special Education Committees. 
Educational consultant at Junior High School and Elementary School.


A researcher (doctoral student on an academic merit scholarship) at Tel Aviv University, focusing on empathy and teacher-student relationships in adolescents with and without ADHD.
MA with honors in educational consulting, Tel Aviv University.
BA in psychology and sociology, Tel Aviv University.

TEDx Savyon 22.2.22

Empathy & Authority: a Master Key in Education

Teachers are significant adults in the lives of their students. The combination of their formal authority with an empathic approach will contribute to the students’ wellbeing and success. This talk shares three practical guidelines for building empathic authority.

Lectures and groups for parents


Parenting for Teenagers

 Adolescence is a challenging time for parents as well, especially in the post-COVID era. What is the right thing to do when it comes to my personal teenager: to react or to hold back? Intervene or let them cope on their own? How to improve their self-esteem? How come their self-image is so low? Why don’t they take responsibility? What is my role as a parent and when will they finally grow up? Applied tools for parents of adolescents in a time of great uncertainty...

Lectures for the education system

The Power of Empathy

Lecture for teachers

The attention to empathy in education almost always relates to the need to teach students to be empathic. Empathy, however, is not learned through textbooks, but through experience. Why is empathy such a rare commodity in our world, and why is it important? How can empathy be promoted in the educational arena? What is the role of the teacher as a model for empathic relations? How can school create an empathic environment for teachers and students?

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Empathic Authority: Being a Significant Adult in a Child's World

the Empathic Authority program deals with the unique combination between the teacher as a relevant authority figure in the student's life and structuring empathic relations and a relationship between teacher-student and parents. The program is based on the latest psychological research in education, which identifies the empathy factor as a key component in relationships and as a variable that has a dramatic impact on student functioning at the academic, emotional and social levels, on the motivation to learn, reduction of dropout rates, and development of an empathic culture among students. The program provides an opportunity for teachers to experience empathy and closeness in the group setting and provides practical tools for action based on experience of an empathic approach, structuring meaningful relationships with students, parents and colleagues, and promoting an empathic policy in the classroom and school.



Parents - you are the solution!

Guidance - Counseling - Coaching - Case management

Is being a parent an important role? Is there anything in life that makes us happier than the success of our private boy or girl or sadness and pain God forbid due to their failure or distress? The statement that a parent cannot be happier than his least happy child is so true. Our happiness involves theirs. I invite you to specialize in your parenting. Not because you are the problem - but because you are the solution!

NLP therapy in trauma, grief and loss

"May you know no more sorrow" is a problematic statement, for we will all experience sorrow over the course of our lives. Sorrow, pain and suffering are part of the human experience, and not experiencing them means not experiencing and living life to its fullest.

צרו קשר

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33 Ha-Vradim Street , Savyon

Michal Moldawsky   Consulting · Coaching · Lectures

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